Getting Started

We are thrilled that you have decided to experience CrossFit! Below you will find the steps to begin training at Vette City CrossFit.  CALL OR TEXT 270.792.9983 TO START TRAINING.

If you have questions, please email us at or give us a call at 270.792.9983

1.  Free Intro Week. To begin training at Vette City CrossFit, we’d like to invite you to try it for a week, for free. Come to whatever class fits your schedule the best to see our facilities, introduce ourselves, and explain a little more about what we do. We’ll coach you through a few movements, and you will also be put through a baseline workout. We will talk with you to better understand your short & long-term fitness goals. We’ll outline how CrossFit and our nutritional coaching can help you meet and even surpass your goals. What are you waiting for? Scheduling with friends and family is strongly encouraged as well!

2. Sign up for a membership. Select a membership option varying from month-to-month, paid in full, or 1 year agreement. If you have family members that also want to join, they are eligible for a family discount. Also, if you are a first responder (limited to Police/Fire/EMT/Active Military), then you are eligible for a discount (You must show proof of duty via your corresponding ID card to be eligible for the first responder discount.)

3. GET FIT. Here we go … Once you sign up for a membership you will then be eligible to take any CrossFit class you want. Time to start living your life to the fittest. Work Hard. Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed if you can’t lift as much or perform as well as other members. It doesn’t matter so long as you push the envelope each and every time.

At Vette City CrossFit, we provide you with the highest quality CrossFit programming and training available. Every step of your journey is overseen by our staff and coaches. Give us your time, and we will change your life.