Who is CrossFit for?

CrossFit is for:

Anyone who is interested in improving their health and fitness.  It is scaleable to any age ranging from 70 year old grandmothers to world class Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighters who utlilize Crossfit to help them reach their health and fitness goals. Check out these incredible stories from an amazing collection of CrossFitters.

Jacinto Bonilla, a 73-Year-Old CrossFitter who is a prostate cancer survivor

Danielle Kuehnel, an amazing 100-pound weight loss story

Shea, a 13-year-old CrossFitter who is a Type-1 Diabetic

What is required?

The proper mindset and the willingness to focus and work hard.  Crossfit is NOT mindless exercise.   If you want mindless exercise there are plenty of gyms with rows of cardio machines where you can watch tv while you workout.  If you are willing to work hard and want to look better, feel better, and perform better than you ever have then Crossfit is for YOU!

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